It occurs to me as I write this that my bird-loving blogger friends like Gondal Girl and Paradoxical Cat are going to think me a hypocrite - writing a stack of heartfelt posts about how marvellous birds are and then reporting enthusiastically on chomping through baby shearwaters wrenched from their burrows .... [what can I say?]
On a different note, I recommend Scoop.Wellington for a great way to keep up with what's happening in the capital city - Lindsay does some wonderful sleuthing round them thar streets and there are useful links to all sorts of activities and events.
Our famous local butcher. Steve Braunias frequently refers to Barry's famous bacon chops. A few years ago when my first novel came out and Rona Gallery kindly set up a table in their shop window stacked with my novel and I was sat there like a "prize turkey" (ha)... waiting to sign copies with no-one in the shop but me...(a bit like the book "Mortification" stories of writers and their shame).. and along came Barry in his shorts to buy a copy of my novel (marching girls and book clubs no less). I've loved him ever since.
munch away Mary...
wasn't New Zealand when the Maori arrived full of strange birds...
As long as you don't eat your totem right?
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