It's not often I eat a Pinky Bar, but tomorrow I will, and it's free. Author Fifi Colston is launching her new novel for junior fiction readers 'Glory' at the Storylines Family Day in Wellington this Sunday. And everybody who buys a copy gets a free Pinky and a cool Fifi-made badge. As I'm launching the book I reckon I get a Pinky Bar too. And a badge. With my name on it.
I've just finished reading 'Glory' and it's Fifi at her best - funny, sharp, subversive, with some terrific scenes that leave you rolling around laughing or turning the pages as fast as possible to see what happens next. The main character Florence Bright is - well - she's like Fifi: funny, sharp, and subversive. I liked spending time inside her convoluted 13-year-old mind, and I liked spending time in her home town of Oamaru [beautifully realised] and in her school of Rawhiti Normal [it's exactly like every 'Normal' school I attended.] I liked the mad little story that unfolds as Florrie takes it on herself to right the wrongs done to children at the unforgiving hands of school prizegivings. Her plan involves an overweight cat, a native bird and a pyromaniac brother. Oh, and there's a Pinky Bar. And a mystery blog.
'Nuf said. If you want to get to know Florrie, the launch is at the Storylines Free Family Day, 12.30 pm, Sunday August 23, at Te Whaea, Hutchison Road, Newtown. And you can do craft with Fifi afterwards before heading off to see the Weta Workshop guys and a whole host of other writers and illustrators. Storylines goes from 10-3.30 pm. It's always a great day.
What - "a pyromaniac brother, a cat and a native bird" - this is straight from my childhood! Only joshing! I think my daughter will love this book, thanks for posting it!
Thankyou so much for launching my book today Mary- and for this lovely post. Glory is on its way!
(hope the Pinky bar survived the warm weather...)
xxx Fifi
Nope, Fifi, the Pinky Bar was too squishy to eat, but I'm very very pleased with my badge. Good to see Glory properly launched into the world, and you selling and signing multiple copies at the Children's Bookshop stand. Storylines was buzzing wasn't it? The Weta guys were especially appealing in their little alien hats...
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